Five benefits of drinking lemon water


Hi Ainsleigh here! As I have just embarked on a journey of getting fit and healthy one of the first things I wanted to try was drinking Lemon water every morning. I had read about all the amazing things this juicy fruit can do for your body and I was in awe that I hadn't’ been using Lemons in my diet all along! I have my lemon slices ready and waiting for me in a tupperware box in the fridge and on a morning I stick the kettle on and pour boiling water over a slice of lemon in my fav mug and... wallah!! So here's 5 benefits of drinking Lemon Water! 

1. Helps aid digestion­
Drinking lemon water upon waking can help your digestive system because it’s atomic composition is similar to saliva and the hydrochloric acid of digestive juices. This encourages the liver to produce bile which is what is needed for digestion. 

2. Clear skin­​
Who doesn't want nice clear skin! The vitamin C and other antioxidants found in Lemons helps to decrease wrinkles and blemishes. You can actually apply the lemon straight onto your skin as the alkaline nature kills some types of bacteria known for causing acne!.....just don't get it in your eyes, ouch! 

3. Aids weight loss­ 
Drinking warm lemon water every morning can help aid weight loss because lemons are high in pectin fibre which helps fight hunger cravings. 

4. Great for colds and the flu­ 
L​emons are great for the common cold as they are high in vitamin C. The Ascorbic acid demonstrates anti­inflammatory effects which is good for asthma and other respiratory symptoms. Lemons also reduce the amount of phlegm produced by the body. 

5. Enhances Mood­ 
J​ust smelling a freshly sliced lemon can lighten your mood! Lemon can also help reduce anxiety and depression. There’s loads of different ways you can add lemons into your diet, but I find the quickest and easiest way is to drink it of a morning instead of your normal cup of tea!

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