How to choose the right direction and step away from procrastination


We all know how hard it is when the New Year creeps up on us and all of a sudden everyone is talking diets, exercise and being a bigger better person. The career year? We've tried that one. The brand new 'I'm-totaly-going-to-stick-to-this' diet? Yep, it didn't quite work for us either. Sometimes, with so much work to do, a family to organise and a home to keep in tact, it can be a little overwhelming and difficult to keep on top of things and feel coordinated. Usually the hardest part is figuring out where to start and finding the right direction. Procrastination at it's worst? We've all been there. Sometimes I'll be sat at my laptop and I'll drink 3 - 4 cups of tea before I even open up that word document I need to be working on, or that indesign file I need to be editing. It's hard to get your brain focused when there are so many different things you need to be doing. So.. let's kick that procrastination and figure out exactly where the hell to start!

Goals: Start with looking at long term goals and short term goals. Do you want to save money for a holiday? Publish a few blog posts this week? Write a list in chronological order and figure out how much each one benefits you and your blog/business/project/whatever it is you have to do! Lists are always a great way to start organising. I'm sure if you've come across this post then you are probably flooded with lists and that's why you've searched for help in the first place. But there's more.. not to fear! Create a mind map almost - a brainstorm perhaps - where you want to be heading, goal by goal.

Why this?: Look at why you are drawn to each project. Maybe there's a few things you don't need to be doing - or don't even want to be doing. Maybe the reason you can't get motivated is because you don't really feel as though actually want to do whatever it may be. Sometimes we are easily influenced by outside sources. Someone else is doing something with great success so you feel as though you need to be doing it too. Stick to your passion, stick to what you are enthusiastic for. Learning to play the guitar can wait whilst you work on saving for that holiday you want!

Plan: Easier said than done, but grab that cup of tea, switch of your phone,switch off the TV and any other distractions and quite simply plan. Put pen to paper and consider what needs to be done and when. It might even be a great idea to plan months in advanced. Think of printing out a free printable calendar (search Pinterest) and try to plan ahead for the following year. If you want a project to be up and running smoothly within six months then work on that first. If you want to have a holiday at the end of the next year then look at when to book it, when to pay it off and how to save the money for it. If you want to create a blog that is interactive and constantly buzzing then plan posts for each week and stick to it. It's great using digital formats but when planning comes into action it's always a good idea to put pen to paper and have something physical in front of you that you can stick to. 

So really, Stop making cup of tea after cup of tea, stop browsing for hours through Facebook and think of the long term benefits from each goal. Think of your time and split it evenly on your working calendar. If you want to get somewhere with your goals then really put your mind to it. You need to motivate yourself to getting places and ensure you do something each and every day that takes you just that one step closer to completing a goal. You can do this!  

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