What I'd learn to do differently next time.


Hello Jodie here, I like to look back every so often and think about how I could of perhaps done things a little differently. There is always room for improvement in life and instead of criticising myself and beating myself up about things I would of changed I think it’s better to be pleased with how I managed things and just pin point what I’d do differently to make life easier next time around. Bringing up Daisy this past year has been a rollercoaster of an adventure. The majority has been major highs but there have of course been lows too, I would be lying if I said we was all happy and no tantrums! So here are five things I probably would have done differently if I had the chance! 

1. WORRY LESS – This may be a lot easier said than done but I can’t believe how much I worried over nothing! When push comes to shove I realise now that in most situations Daisy was just fine. I didn’t need to sit up all night and watch her sleep when she was sick, she would of been just fine if I hadn’t. I didn’t need to panic that she wasn’t crawling at 6 months old. Every baby develops at different stages. When she was screaming that she wanted out the pushchair in the middle of a busy supermarket checkout I didn’t need to worry that every other person was staring at me. They probably where. But they probably didn’t think anything of it, or thought ‘Oh, been there’. 

2. MAKEUP FREE! – I remember sleepless nights, waking up in the morning and attempting to juggle a newborn whilst putting on a face full of makeup and trying to perfect my hair. It was a stress and a hassle that really need not be! I probably shouldn’t have worried about makeup and hair and looking perfect.. at the end of the day I was a first time sleep deprived mum, it’s only right to look the part, right?

3. STAY PUT – within the first month I felt the need to go out, as much as possible, every day. I don’t know why! I think it was for the sake of Daisy getting fresh air, when really she would of been happy to wander around the block once or twice and I would of been happier to stay put most days catching up on sleep and rest! 

4. EACH TO THEIR OWN– I would (and have started to) worry less about the opinions of other mothers. The majority of mum friends I have tend to be supporting and have open minds, yet you get the occasional closed minded parent that thinks everything you do is wrong. How dare you give your child a snack to keep them quiet? How could you possibly pick her dummy (pacifier) up from the floor and just give it a simple wipe before putting it back in her mouth? You are always going to get that one person. Don’t stress about it. I realise now I was doing just fine without their bias opinions! 

5. TAKE THE HELP – I was so lucky to have family and friends that where so eager to help have Daisy and take her off my hands for a while. I remember occasionally feeling a little guilty. I look back and I can’t believe I sometimes doubted jumping at the chance to have a break! The excitement of a new baby soon tends to fade so when people offer to give you a little breather, accept it! Don’t think about it, just go and sleep!

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