Why toddlers have it so hard..


1. They have to get dressed to leave the house. I mean c'mon that's not fair is it? They'd much rather leave the house without any clothes on, or as an added bonus, without a nappy on!

2.  Their parents just won't share coffee with them. What meanies..

3. They have to wear a nappy around the house and get told off if they poop on the floor. Surely they should be able to poop and wee wherever they want?! Hard life!

4. They have to have their favourite smelly and dirty blanket washed every now and again by their mean mother who doesn't want them to be breathing in and chewing on all the hidden germs that darn blanket carries. How dare they! 

5. They have to have a bath. That's so totally not fair! Who needs to be cleaned anyways?

6. Their mum accidentally leaves the crusts on their sandwich and the world then turns upside down. I mean that's not fair, how can a mother forget to cut off the crusts! 

7. Suddenly after playing their favourite game of throwing food on the floor and having mama pick it up, the game ends when mama doesn't want to play anymore. Ah man! 

Life as a toddler is just so hard.  

Don't worry - we'll have a post to follow soon giving tips and ideas on how to deal with a toddler tantrum! 

Author: Jodie Andrews

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